Thursday, October 11, 2007

Happy Birthday, Micayla!

I never thought this day would arrive. My youngest sister turned 18 today. For some reason, I always called her "kid" while we were growing up. I still call her kid to this day and I probably always will.

I still remember one day when she was only a month old, everyone else had gone outside to play in the snow and go down to the frozen creek. I was watching Micayla and she fell asleep on my chest. Anyone that has ever had this happened, knows what a great feeling it is. She was so tiny!

It's also fun to think about what an older sister can make a younger sister do. There was the stage of, "she's my cute little sister." When she was 4 years old I used to make her sing songs for all of my friends. "God is bigger than the boogieman" and "We all live in the yellow submarine" were 2 of the favorites.

Then there was the time that she would be my little servant. The best was in the summer when it was really hot outside. I had her trained to get me a glass of water. Not just any glass of water, a "glass of water in a glass glass with 2 ice cubes" No more. No less.

Then, when she was 10 years old, just starting to discover who she was herself, I moved away and have missed seeing her grow up all these years. I still go back to visit and am amazed at how old and grown up she is. If there is one piece of advice I can give her. "Don't be so fast to grow up. You'll be there before you know it"

Love you, Kid and Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Justin Hibbard said...

I am the worst sister ever, I still haven't called her to wish her a happy birthday. Nut just ask Miriam, I totally thought of her that day.