Sunday, September 23, 2007

We have a patient on the unit that can be exhausting. She loves all of us on the unit. She is in her early teens and has some delays. Her voice is loud and carries extremely well. Unfortunately, she is in isolation and not allowed to come out of her room, so she stands at the door all day long watching and commenting on everything going on. She can be heard all over the unit. We are constantly reminding her to use her inside voice. She talks to anyone that will listen. "what's your name?" "What are you doing?" "where are you going?" Once she learns someone's name, she starts to say phrases like "I love and so" "I like your hair" "I like your shirt" "you're nice" "you're cool" "you're silly" "what did you have for lunch" She asked me that 5 times one day and each time I said "What did I say the last time you asked me? (we just had an earthquake!)

The other day she was cracking me up. She knows the housekeeper and janitor's names. When she sees them, she knows what their job is and continually reminds them something needs to be done and won't leave it alone until it is done. The janitor walked by to empty her linen. She saw him and wheeled the hamper outside her door for him before he even finished walking down the hallway.

The other thing that cracked me up. After coming out of one of my patient's rooms, she informed me that another nurse was looking for me. You can't hide from her. She sees everything. If it wasn't for HIPPA I would totally video tape her for a few minutes.

As much as she gives me a good chuckle, and for as annoyingly loud as her voice can get. I have to admit she makes me feel good about myself. Even though I know I am the 10th person she told that day "I like your hair", it still feels special to have her say it. Every time she tells me she loves me, it never gets old.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Annalía!

My sister's little girl Annalía turns one today. Here is a picture from this summer when my entire family spent a few days on a lake.

Here is Kylie catching a fish with Josiah looking on.
Here's some more that have my other sister's kids in them. Elyssa is the same age as Annalía and Abrielle is now in Kindergarten.

I really like the one with them on the dock. Too bad Kylie wasn't in that picture with Abrielle and Josiah.

Now for some exciting news. We had 2 little earthquakes this morning. There was a bigger one in the same area on August 2nd. I was in San Diego that morning and still felt it. They say Earthquakes don't happen any particular time of the year, but in my short time here in California, it seems that they always happen in Sept or Oct. When the weather is about to cool off.