Monday, March 26, 2007

Hijacked by an elevator

The last couple of days at work were busy! Especially for a weekend. It was nearing the end of my shift yesterday and I had been waiting a few hours for some platelets that a patient desperately needed. When the platelets were ready, to make things faster, I decided to go down and pick them up myself. On my way down to the lobby level, I realized I needed an extra IV pump to run the platelets since I was already using the other 2 pumps. I took the 5 flights of stairs down to central service to get a pump, then I decided to take the elevator up to the blood bank (those pumps are heavy) As I'm waiting for the elevator, a couple of workers arrive with a gurney, when the elevator arrives, we get in. One of the workers puts his "magic key" in the key hole in the elevator and we start to go up. Then he says "sorry we're going all the way up to the 9th floor then we're keeping the elevator" I put two and two together and realized that they are headed for the heliport on top of the hospital. There is a trauma coming in.

When we got to the 9th floor, I got out of that elevator and headed around the corner to another one. I got in along with a guy with a wheelchair, a guy with a linen bin and a couple transport nurses with roller carts. We make our trek back down, of course stopping at every floor (keep in mind I'm starting on the 9th floor) since the other elevator is "occupied" everyone is trying to use this one, except no one else will fit. Finally, we get back to the lobby level floor. I pick up the platelets and take the children's hospital elevator back up to the 4th floor. When my co-workers said they were wondering what took so long. I said I was "hijacked by an elevator" We all agreed it was worth it. We needed that little laugh to finish off our shift.


Anonymous said...

I love your stories. It is a great way to keep up with you. I'm glad your work is something you want to go to and enjoy. See you in June.

Justin Hibbard said...

ha ha, you have the best job in the world! Well, except for mine.

Anonymous said...

Hee! I enjoyed your story. :)
