Sunday, November 13, 2005


Irrigation and I have always had a love/hate relationship. I have a great story from a long time ago involving a friend from New Jersey and Irrigation. I would consider this the beginning of my relationship with irrigation. However, there are many reasons I hate it. I hate when I am on a walk early in the morning and I have to walk in the middle of the street to avoid someone's overzealous sprinkler system, I hate when I want to get to a front door, except it's the most inopportune time because the sprinklers are spraying all over the sidewalk. But today I have a reason to despise irrigation...(Granted my husband did most of the work with some friends, but that doesn't mean I can't complain about the little bit of work I had to do)

First off, my first job was to "move dirt around." Supposedly I was leveling out the dirt so that it would be even for when they trenched. I couldn't help but think I was a little kid given a job to just keep me busy. You know, move that dirt from here to there. Then Nathan and a couple friends rented a trencher and trenched the whole thing. I made them lunch and then drove an hour to pick up a friend of ours to hang out for the night. Then this morning, we had to finish all the digging that the trenching couldn't accomplish. The detailing stuff, you know. But despite all the complaining, most of the lines appear to be in. All we need to do is attach the valves and dig a small trench in front of the wall. I have discovered that the less I complain, the more praise I get for helping and the better my work looks. :)

I'm sure that in a few weeks once the trenches are filled again, the grass seed is being watered everyday and we have a green yard, irrigation and I will be on good terms again.

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