Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I love Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for a husband that loves to cook, especially cook Thanksgiving dinner. He has perfected at least 2 different kinds of turkeys. You can find our "Ultimate Thanksgiving" menu at The dressing is great. It is cooked in the crockpot all day freeing up the coveted space in the oven. The turkey is always brined. Mashed potatoes are sometimes chunky and sometimes creamy, just depends on who is making them. Green bean casserole is a must. This year we are trying Alton Brown's (from the food network) recipe for making the green bean casserole by frying our own onions and making our own cream sauce with real mushrooms. That's exciting!

I worry for Thanksgiving sometimes. It seems to get dwarfed as a holiday by Halloween and Christmas, which seems to be starting earlier and earlier every year. Don't get me wrong. I love Christmas just as much, but while society has perverted Christmas by taking attention away from the true meaning of the holiday, Thanksgiving has maintained its meaning of being thankful for the founders of the country and thankful for those in our lives whom we love and care about. A time to count our blessings.

It is for that reason I write this entry. Not to talk about food, or complain about the commercialization of Christmas, (I'll save that for another entry) It is to let all who read my blog know that I am thankful for each and everyone of you. Thankful that by caring about the little and big things that are important to me, you therefore care about me.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Wow! Has it really been nearly a month since I've blogged? How lame am I? A big thing happened this weekend. After 2 years of being in this house and having tacky looking window coverings, we finally had shutters put on a few of our key windows.

This is the dining room. The window is HUGE! I love that I can open the blinds and get lots of sunshine without feeling like everyone can see in, since the window is in the front of the house. I will take a picture of the rest of the room once we finish it. We still need to hang things on the walls, but we need to put our baseboards in first. Then I will post more pictures of the room.

This is the mushroom room. This one is on the side of the house, but it is the one window that the sun beats down on ALL DAY LONG! Even today when it was probably only about 70 degrees outside, when I felt the shutter it still felt warm. Imagine how much that shutter is going to keep the room cooler in the summer. Take note of the red phone on the dresser in this room. Nathan got the phone for free, painted it red and bought a red cord. All under $10. We call it the batman phone.

This one is in the guest room. This window is also in the front of the house.